Pop the Champagne! We Just Snagged the Prestigious Title of Worldclass Workplace 2022-2023

That’s right, we are officially the top dog when it comes to being an awesome employer.


After a massive survey of over a million employees, Effectory – the leading solution for employee feedback in Europe – declared Levi9 as the best employer globally. Levi9 scored the highest when it came to making their employees happy, beating out every other company with over 1,000 employees. That’s what we call a major achievement!

We are extremely proud to have been awarded the title of World-class Workplace 2022-2023. This incredible honor is all thanks to the hard work and dedication of our employees – they’re the ones who make us who we are! We’re committed to providing a supportive and inspiring work environment that promotes growth, innovation, and success for our team and our company.

We are seriously committed to employee satisfaction and make sure to survey all levininers every year to figure out what’s working and what needs improvement. With these surveys, we have gained valuable insights and have raised the bar to reach the highest level of employee satisfaction.

5 May 2023

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